Office of Publicity and United Front
Office of Publicity and United Front
2017-05-26 16:31  

The Office of Publicity and United Frontis a department for publicizingideology and the united front. It is comprised of two offices (Office of Publicity and Office of United Front) but is operated by one working team. It consists of three sections:  Publicity and Science Education Section, Art Section and the United Front Section. It is in charge of the three campus media: the EditorialDepartmentofSchoolNewspaper, ETV and the Broadcasting Station.

The office has one director, two deputy directors, one dean of the EditorialDepartmentofthe SchoolNewspaper and other six staff and cadres. It upholds the aim that “people should be armed by scientific theory, guided by correct opinions, influenced by lofty sentiments and inspired by excellent works”. It aims to build a harmonious, civilized and vigorous campus.

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Tel: 8325415                      

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